AGEM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und Medizin

Curare | Zeitschrift für Medizinethnologie | Journal of Medical Anthropology

Curare is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal of medical anthropology published by the AGEM – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und Medizin (Association for Anthropology and Medicine) since 1978. Articles are published in German & English. The transformation into an open access journal took place in 2024 with the support of the German Research Foundation (DFG). All issues since 2018 are currently freely available here. The other issues will be successively supplemented. A print version will also be available, which has been published by Reimer Verlag Berlin since 2022.


Online First

Current Issue

45 (2022) 2
Thematic Focus: Beginnings and Ends of Life. Ethnographic Explorations and Methodological Reflections
Edited by Julia Rehsmann & Veronika Siegl


Current Issue

45 (2022) 2 | Beginnings and Ends of Life. Ethnographic Explorations and ­Methodological Reflections
Schwarzer "Curare"-Schriftzug, darunter der Heft-Titel "Lebensanfänge und -enden. Ethnographische Erkundungen und ­ methodologische Reflexionen" (deutsch und englisch); untere Hälfte mit einer mikroskopischen Ansicht von Tropfen auf einer nicht näher bestimmbaren Oberfläche

Thematic Focus edited by Julia Rehsmann & Veronika Siegl

Published: 2022-06-01

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