From a Static “I am dead!” to an (inter)Active “Do you like a dog treat?”: Qualitative Research on Canine Assisted Therapy within Geriatric Psychiatry

From a Static “I am dead!” to an (inter)Active “Do you like a dog treat?”

Qualitative Research on Canine Assisted Therapy within Geriatric Psychiatry


  • Andrea Kuckert-Wöstheinrich Ethnologin (Neuss)
  • Andreas Sobottka Psychiater & Psychoanalytiker (Köln)



canine assisted therapy, qualitative research, life satisfaction, geriatric psychiatry


So far there are only few theoretical constructs, how and why canine assisted therapy in geriatric psychiatry is effective. This study is meant to build theory about this effectiveness. Method: A complex qualitative single case study was conducted; the participants underwent canine assisted therapeutic interventions. Particularities, occurring during the period of the interventions, were detained and the interventions were documented by a neutral person in the context of participant observation. Two experienced research supervisors independently formulated excerpts from this material and derived a narrative for every single case. Results: Generalized conclusions about the mode of action of canine assisted therapy could be drawn. Theoretical constructs (also on psychoanalytic models) are presented. Discussion: This study is a contribution to theorizing. Constructs could be derived, what effects canine assisted therapy has on the inner life of those affected.


